Tag Archives: Life lesson from a Jammed Finger!

Nugget # 88 Life lesson from a Jammed Finger !

550px-Treat-a-Broken-Finger-Step-4Bullet2Hi friends,

This week I’d like to share a nugget that came to mind as I nursed my bruised finger.

Last Saturday, I accidentally jammed my ring finger as I was hurrying into a supermarket elevator. My finger turned pale and it pained me. So we went to the orthopedist who suggested an X-ray which confirmed no broken bones, but only a slight injury to the soft tissue on my knuckle.

Relieved to hear that, I went with the nurse who taped my injured finger to the unhurt finger next to it. This process is called buddy taping where we use the unaffected finger as a splint to keep the injured finger from moving too much and aggravating the injury.

Later, on reaching home, as I tried to do my daily chores, I was finding it difficult to move my finger since it had been taped to the other one. But that made me draw a paralell to our ordinary everyday lives.

Many times in life we may get jammed or injured and at that time if we ignore our hurt and just go on as if nothing happened, later in the long run, we will have to face the dire consequences of a serious damage due to neglect. Just like in the case of the injury we used a buddy splint, in our real life situations also, when hurt, the right move will be to open up to a buddy/persons we can trust and pray with. We may also brainstorm with them about how we can solve the issue. If nothing else, we will be able to experience a few moments of temporary relief at least instead of carrying the heavy load ourselves.

Just like in the case of my finger, we will remove the buddy tape when the swelling and pain have subsided and the finger is healed. Similarly, after some time, when we have drawn enough strength and courage, we will be able to move ahead more confidently in our life.


Nugget of Life: “None of us can ever save himself; we are the instruments of one another’s salvation, and only by the hope that we give to others do we lift ourselves out of the darkness into light.” – Dean Koontz

PS: My finger is healed and I have removed the buddy splint! : )

Have a blessed week!


Sparky Laurie


Posted by on October 15, 2013 in NUGGETS OF LIFE, Uncategorized


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