Tag Archives: Life lesson from a Playground Slider!

Nugget # 58 Life lesson from a Playground Slider!

Hi friends,

This week I’d like to share a lesson in tenacity inspired by a friend J. This week I heard that she had just undergone an operation for a tumor and so I called her up to see how she was doing and imagine my surprise when she talked just as usual neither sounding disturbed nor in any way affected by it. At first it seemed a bit unreal to me (who by nature am definitely more expressive about things that disturb/ affect my smooth functioning in some way or other) but then I realized that J deliberately chose not to let her illness/ discomfort dampen her spirit or affect her personality in any visible way even for a moment and then I said to myself WOW! Talk about Tenacity! I learnt a lesson then and there.

Tenacity may be defined as that unbreakable strength of purpose that no person/set back in life can cause us to swerve/be affected visibly. True we are all different but we can definitely improve ourselves by learning from one another. I just thought of the many problems of life that could have been easily avoided had I developed this kind of attitude in life. Now I am not talking about hiding feelings or wearing a mask and walking about indifferent & unaffected by the ups and downs of life but being able to master those feelings with genuine strength and definiteness of purpose.

In order to understand better, let us take an illustration of a child on the playground slide. After sliding down to the bottom, he doesn’t sit in the dust wallowing in self pity because he fell. Instead, he dusts himself up and runs back once more happy to climb up the ladder and slide down once again. That is after all the fun of the game! How much more fun should our slides in life be teaching us if we would just embrace our setbacks in life as learning experiences and dust ourselves up and climb back and continue playing with a smile on our faces?

We have a choice no matter how bad the situation. Let us stop living our life by default and start living our life by design.

Nugget of Life: “It has done me good to be somewhat parched by the heat and drenched by the rain of life”  – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Have an awesome week!


Sparky Laurie


Posted by on May 31, 2012 in NUGGETS OF LIFE, Uncategorized


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